Startaj Hrvatska TV show

Startaj Hrvatska TV show

Category: TV show
Client/Production: Nova TV

Usluge: Gradnja i namještanje studija, posudba rekvizite za studio, na lokacijama: namještanje, nabava i posudba rekvizite + scenski rekviziteri na setu

Startaj Hrvatska TV show (2020) We were especially pleased to participate in the TV show series “Startaj Hrvatska” (“Croatia, go!”), which had a great idea to present small entrepreneurs who stood out with a very special product or line of products. Nova TV and SPAR Hrvatska had united on this project and the audience enjoyed it. We also enjoyed giving our contribution to such a well-designed show with a positive focus. Our tasks were building and setting up studios in Zagreb, renting props, going to Spar locations and arranging scenes for filming and finally visiting the homes or production locations of the candidates who were competing to win the Hit Product of 2020 title. Considering that the innovative startups were from different parts of Croatia, we went to visit them together with the camera crew, in order to better highlight their products. We visited the vicinity of Zagreb, Karlovac, Slavonia, Dalmatia… At the locations we set up sets, borrowed and procured props, and our prop masters on the sets took care of everything down to the smallest detail, such as making sure that the labels on product jars were ok or that even the smallest petals on bouquets in the background were in their place. 😊

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